I deserve better, and so do you!

I have a new mantra… I deserve better. This concept is not new to me but I never ever took it to heart. Sure intellectually I believe we all deserve better, but to really think it, and make [...]

How much does it really take?

Do you have what it takes? Really how much time does it take? How much effort does it take? What does it honestly take to have a successful social media campaign? I get it you are an entrepreneur [...]

RELAX. Really.

What happens if you relax? I want to start a whole new movement to relax. Seriously. It is a known fact that good ideas, great ideas come to you when you are in the shower, looking out a train [...]

Your Most Icky Important To-Dos

The Icky Sticky There are some marketing tasks that most people find icky. Yes, icky is a technical term. Without these specific icky ‘to-do’s” your beautiful website might as [...]

It’s Your Job, Really It Is!

It’s Your Job If You Are an Entrepreneur You have heard the saying…Wearing too many hats. Well, if you are an entrepreneur, you are. Did you realize in addition to your [...]

Your Business Has a Twin

Twin Businesses? What Does That Mean? Your business is really 2 businesses. Your actual biz and its twin. First, you have the business you love and want to do, you’re a photographer or a [...]

100 Ways to Not Fool Yourself

Are you an April Fool? As the saying goes, there’s no fool like an old fool! And that would be me! Because yes, when else would I be born and I definitely qualify as old. After some intense [...]

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